viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


Dear students, we know you have been working very lately, and we wanted to give you a break by suggesting this craft that will count towards your ARTS marks next term. 

In order to make this craft you need the following:

- A cylinder-shaped object: paper rolls (if you have at home😳), soda cans, pringles cans, etc..
- A piece of paper: white or coloured.
- A pencil, an eraser and markers if you have at home
- Some glue or sticky tape and scissors
- Imagination!

The objective is to use your paper roll or soda can to make your monster in Class Dojo.

1- Gather all the materials

2- Think of the monster you want to make. It can be your monster from class or any other.

3- Draw the parts of your monster on a peper before you start pasting them on the paper roll or can, and colour them

4- Join and paste the parts on the paper roll or can and, VOILÁ you've your own dojo monster!

Don't forget to bring your monster to class when we go back to school so we can decorate the class and have a great mark in ARTS.

3 comentarios:

  1. Buenos días,
    Tal y como pone en la explicación de la actividad, esta manualidad servirá para que tengáis una nota más en la asignatura de Arts, así que debes de llevarla a clase cuando volvamos para que te pongan la nota y decorar la clase. ¡Anímate a hacerlo! Seguro que te queda muy bien y original.
